As federal professionals' most trusted source for more than 40 years, LRP Media Group specializes in providing authoritative guidance and best practices to keep your agency compliant and running efficiently. From online resources to in-person and virtual professional development opportunities, LRP strives to be the main source for training to meet your daily workplace challenges.
Don’t let your questions go unanswered — explore these sought-after federal EEO, HR, ER and LR training resources today!

Live Training

The preferred annual training event for federal professionals! FDR’s agenda is composed by experienced practitioners to guarantee you’re provided with federal civil service law guidance you can trust. 70+ workshops and sessions spanning 7 targeted program tracks address the latest regulations and best practices to resolve EEO, HR, LR, ER, ADR, and legal issues. Learn straight from the federal community’s favorite trainers such
as Barbara Haga, Robert Erbe,
Debra D'Agostino and more!
Hear from federal employment law experts in guidance-packed, 90-minute webinars exploring key workplace challenges such as excessive leave, reasonable accommodation, harassment and more. Participate right from your office, meeting room or home workspace — no travel time or expenses! Q&A time is also included — so you and your staff get answers to your specific questions.

Online Resources

The online resource thousands of federal HR professionals say they couldn’t do their job without! cyberFEDS ® keeps you up to date on all critical federal employment issues, plus gives you practical guidance you can put to use immediately — straight from the nation's most recognized federal employment law experts. It’s the authoritative, all-in-one, objective hub for today's federal civil service law professional.
cyberFEDS ® eLearning makes it easy for federal professionals to obtain mandatory or refresher training on core areas and processes involving EEO, employee relations, labor relations, workers’ comp and diversity. These self-paced professional development courses makes staff training easy and affordable.
Build your managers’ professional capacity and give them access to just-in-time training tools to address day-to-day challenges. Manager Advantage can help your agency avoid errors that lead to costly litigation by equipping managers and supervisors with best practices, scenario-based videos and other tools covering more than 100 workplace topics.
Each electronic newsletter delivers tips, trends and best practices! Federal Human Resources Week ensures you know the compliant ways to handle telework, poor performers, veterans employment and other HR issues you deal with every day. Federal EEO Advisor is your go-to resource for the latest EEO developments plus strategies to keep your EEO programs running smoothly and within legal compliance.

Join the thousands of federal government practitioners who rely on LRP for professional development and training!